Welcome To My Digital portfolio

Thank you for stopping by! Welcome to my digital portfolio. 

Before I show you my digital portfolio, I would like to introduction. My name is junjie Huang and I'm a College Student at Lewisham College,  Studying The BTEC Level 2 Extender Certification ate in Information Creative Technology. 

The reason why I am creating this digital portfolio is because  I want to  display to employers all that I have learned on the Information Creative Technology course and the skills that I have gained.

In the portfolio , you will see my examples of my work from each units on this course , for examples;

Spreadsheet, Database and so on, moreover showcase the skills that I have learned during the time that I have been on this course .

It is also included a copy of my CV, this will help you to getting know that all of my works experience and certificate I had now also my study history . 

The reason why I am create a digital portfolio , because I would like to let those people who are looking for employers show them that my work degree and how I can do my work . Also ,I 'm looking for a IT job or an IT apprenticeship. however, I hope that if you think there is a job suitable for me, please use the contact form to let me know.

 Best regards 

Junjie Huang

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